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Writer's pictureThomas Chapman

Finding Purpose: Persevering Through Uncertainty

Updated: Aug 5

While perusing the internet this afternoon, a new article in Psychology Today caught my attention - "The Art of Navigating Uncertainty on the Path of Purpose" by Dr. Justin Kompf. This brilliant and quick read provides an opportunity for reflection. Even when we know our values, strengths, and purpose, there will still be roadblocks. I appreciate the three bullet points at the beginning of this article as they sum up this journey so well.

  • Failure can only be assessed through a bird's eye view of time.

  • Adhere to your purpose.

  • Uncertainty is a part of life, so continue to move forward.

Even when we begin down a path we love, we will still encounter challenges (see my other What Stands In The Way Becomes The Way). If we stick to our purpose, we can hold onto the knowledge that we will persevere through the uncertainty.

I can hear your rebuttal already. "Great, Tom, this is all well and good. But I don't know what my purpose is!" This point is where we pause for a moment of reflection. While there could be a great deal of challenging you right now, it may come down to two aspects that make you question your direction. First, is this an issue with uncertainty and roadblocks? You will know it is because all you want to do is pursue this. You have a reason beyond money that is driving you in this direction. If so, continue to move forward. I have encountered these same challenges. I understand where you are if this is you because I've been there before.

In 2010 I needed to move jobs. I loved being a band teacher, and the school provided a great community and work culture. However, it was the heart of the great recession, my wife couldn't find work, and it cost us more than we were making to stay there. So I began the hunt for a new position closer to a city. In most careers in education, you can find a job almost anywhere. For band directors in Colorado or any performing arts teacher, there is usually only one, maybe two positions, at every school. And if an area is a great place to live or has a well-established program, it is unlikely to open. And last, schools usually fill great band directing opportunities by mid-May. Combine all these factors, and you understand why I was getting nervous around the end of April. This challenge was frustrating because, by any measure, I was a strong candidate. But no matter how many applications I submitted, I could not land a new job. In this instance, though, my perseverance paid off. A major restructuring in a school district in El Paso County created a new job opening running the district's beginning band program. I lept at the opportunity and interviewed for and won the position. This job led to over a decade of extraordinary experiences and career success. There were challenges along the way, but I stuck to my purpose through every one of them, and that purpose carried me through.

If this goes beyond the uncertainty of the situation and it no longer feels like you are on the right path, it may be an issue with your direction not aligning with your vision, purpose, and values. I understand that as well. That is how I went from a successful high school band director to a Life Vision & Enhancement Coach. My job no longer aligned with my purpose. The path of self-discovery is a more difficult path to take compared to persevering through uncertainty. This level of reflection requires time, effort, and perseverance. And I can help you with that.

There is no such thing as an easy journey. Even other people who look like they are getting everything with little to no struggle face setbacks, challenges, and frustrations. Will discovering your values, strengths, and vision for your life solve everything? No, you will still face challenges and uncertainty. Without understanding your purpose in life, these uncertainties and challenges can be overwhelming.

Tom Chapman, TruePath Discovery Coaching

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